
Infringement of copyright

All rights reserved. Apart from any images and information made available for download by Esteves Motorcycle Design, no part of this site may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including downloading, without the prior written permission of the publisher. For permission requests, write to the publisher at the address below.

The present web site is edited by :

SARL Esteves Motorcycle Design
15 Plan de Brie

Tél. : +33(0)4 66 61 63 44

Nimes B 340 457 936

Publication manager : Nicolas Pigeyre

Web hosting : OVH 2, rue Kellermann, 59100 Roubaix

Private information and confidentiality

Any and all information furnished by the client and stored in our data base is strictly confidential and will not be communicated to third persons. These informations are not used in any commercial relations with the client. You reserve the right of access concerning these informations. Any demand for private information access should be made using our contact form.


All use of information and contents of the present website remains the responsibility of the user. All resources and content of this website, text, visuals and illustrations (drawings, plans, photos and animations) are for purely for information purposes and are strictly non-contractual. Even though we strive to provide information in the most exact and complete manner and to assure regular updates, we cannot be held responsible for any possible imprecisions, errors, inexactitudes or omissions present in this website. Nor any technical problem incurred in the usage of this site

Credit photos / Illustrations

© Nicolas Pigeyre
© Adobe Stock

Respect of intellectual property

The totality of the content of the website (structure, design, photos, illustrations, texts, and programmes...) remains the property of the editor. The site estmd.com is subject to French intellectual property legislation All rights of reproduction reserved.

We also inform you that any musique, photos or particular signs used in this site are equally subject to additional intellectual property rights.

Conform to article L.122-4 of the Intellectual Property Act any unauthorized reproduction or representation, whether entire or partial and by whatever means used, will constitute forgery, punishable by 3 years imprisonment and a 300 000 € fine, according to article 335-2 of the intellectual Property Act. 

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